Our Patients' Stories

The Truth About Vitamin D: Gabriela’s Story

Concerned about her health, 69-year-old Gabriela decided to check her vitamin D levels.


Reassured by the test result of 26.5 ng/ml, which was within the laboratory’s normal range, Gabriela felt relieved. But was this the correct interpretation?

See the interpretation of Gabriela’s results

Expert commentary

Although the result falls within the laboratory’s normal range, the vitamin D level in the blood is considered low. This is because the interpretation of the result should be based on the latest recommendations for the prevention and treatment of vitamin D deficiency in the Polish population.


According to these recommendations, the optimal vitamin D level is 30-50 ng/ml.


Dr. Leopold Rehan, PhD, MD

Doctor of Medical Sciences, medical director, graduate of the Faculty of Medicine at the Medical University in Wrocław, specialist in internal medicine, professionally associated with the Enel-Med Medical Center.

The story of Gabriela shows that laboratory norms do not always reflect the actual state of health.

A detailed analysis and consideration of expert medical knowledge allow for the proper interpretation of results and the taking of correct steps towards health.

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