Labplus in 2023: a year full of successes and helping others!

In 2023, we interpreted over 120,000 tests, saving the lives and health of over 1,500 patients. Our “Satisfaction Guarantee or Money Back” policy has earned the trust of 99.6% of patients!
Together with you, we made a huge leap forward in 2023! We are happy to share a summary of this beautiful time.
Online Interpretation Available: In April, we made online interpretation of test results available. Patients of the largest laboratories in the country can now use it when receiving their results online.
Satisfaction Guarantee: Our “Satisfaction Guarantee or Money Back” policy has earned the trust of 99.6% of patients! As many as 996 out of 1000 people were satisfied with our interpretations, which makes us extremely happy.
Development in the Laboratory Market: In August, our interpretation was already available at 10+ distributors, covering about 40% of the Polish laboratory market. This is an important milestone in our development!
Over 120,000 Tests Interpreted: During the year, we interpreted over 120,000 tests, saving the lives and health of over 1,500 patients. In addition, we indicated the need for urgent medical consultation for another 5,000 people. We also reassured over 9,000 patients by explaining worrying abnormalities in their results.
Training of Medical Personnel: In 2023, we trained over 1,000 specialists in laboratories and blood collection points in the field of e-interpretation.
Most Common Problems: In almost 15% of patients, we found an elevated LDL level, which is associated with a high risk of heart disease. We also very often observed vitamin D deficiencies. Over ⅓ of patients had abnormalities in their morphology, which in many cases were not, however, alarming.
Summary and Vision for 2024: The year 2023 was a time of success for us, but above all, it was a time of helping those in need. Over 1,500 people appreciated our support, saving their lives and health.
We have a clear vision for 2024: we want Labplus to become the gold standard, and for every patient receiving a laboratory test result to have access to simple and practical information about their health.
Thank you for this beautiful time and we promise that we will be even stronger in 2024!