“Labplus – a globally innovative medical diagnostics technology” is being implemented under Sub-measure 1.1.1 Industrial research and development work carried out by enterprises, within the framework of the Operational Program Smart Growth 2014-2020. The main objective of the project is to develop a unique, world-scale medical diagnostics technology enabling the provision of a set of tests without the involvement of a doctor and remotely suggesting the causes of pathologies.
Project value
European funds contribution
“Labplus Healthcare” co-financed by the European Union under the Operational Program Smart Growth 2014-2020, Action 1.3: R&D works co-financed with capital funds, Sub-measure 1.3.1: Support for Research and Development Projects in the preseed phase by proof of concept funds – BRIdge Alfa. The aim is to develop and implement a technological solution for medical platforms and medical portals, which will enable automatic forecasting based on laboratory test results and personalized medical interviews.
Project value
European funds contribution
Material produced with EU grants as part of the project implementation:
„Labplus – a globally innovative medical diagnostics technology”