Career at Labplus

Join us to innovate laboratory diagnostics together. The development of diagnostic engine requires close collaboration among physicians, scientists, data science specialists, and programmers. If you don’t see an offer for yourself but want to help us in Labplus development, write to us!

Medical specialist / MD

Wifi Remote
Pin Wroclaw/Opole

Description of the job offer

Wyniki badań diagnostycznych, ich interpretacja i diagnoza to pierwszy krok do właściwego leczenia. Jego powodzenie zależy od nas samych, od naszej diety i stylu życia. Z bazy wiedzy Labplus dowiesz się więcej o wynikach swoich badań i jak je interpretować, o czynnikach, które na nie wpływają oraz o tym, jak dbać o zdrowie i odporność.

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UX Designer/Researcher

Wifi Remote

Description of the job offer

Wyniki badań diagnostycznych, ich interpretacja i diagnoza to pierwszy krok do właściwego leczenia. Jego powodzenie zależy od nas samych, od naszej diety i stylu życia. Z bazy wiedzy Labplus dowiesz się więcej o wynikach swoich badań i jak je interpretować, o czynnikach, które na nie wpływają oraz o tym, jak dbać o zdrowie i odporność.

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Please fill out the recruitment form which will facilitate the recruitment process and familiarize yourself with the information clause regarding the administration of your personal data.

or, if you do not want to send us the recruitment form, please include in your own recruitment documents (CV, cover letter) the following clauses, which are voluntary, but their absence may prevent us from carrying out the current recruitment process, future ones, or limit them:

  • I consent to the processing of my personal data provided in the documents submitted in the recruitment process, especially those not indicated by the Administrator as necessary and documents attached in the recruitment, including for example my photo, certificates of qualifications, in this recruitment process.



Location, date, legible signature


  • I consent to the Administrator processing my personal data for the purposes of future recruitments.



Location, date, legible signature


Here you can download the documents necessary to submit in the employment process and conclude an agreement