Labplus S.A. provides medical services in the category of: Internal Medicine Clinic – Telemedicine.
As part of its operations, Labplus S.A. provides healthcare services in the scope of HC.1.3.5 Other ambulatory care provided in the patient’s home in the field of 07 Internal Medicine.
The first provision of a patient’s medical documentation is free of charge, while subsequent requests are subject to fees.
The fee rates for providing medical documentation are as follows:
In case of sending medical documentation by traditional mail, the fees are:
Healthcare services provided at Labplus S.A. are not reimbursed by the National Health Fund (NFZ).
Healthcare services provided by Labplus S.A. are either paid or free for the patient, depending on the agreement signed by Labplus S.A. for the provision of the service.
In the case of paid healthcare services, the price of the medical service is provided to the patient for approval before the contract for the service with a payment obligation is finalized, and the service is agreed to be performed electronically.
Additionally, we can provide the following information:
Labplus S.A. is an entity registered in the registry of entities performing medical activities, offering medical services to patients, entities performing medical activities, and entities operating in the field of laboratory diagnostics. These services are provided via telemedicine through teleinformatics systems.
The medical service provided by Labplus S.A. uses the LabTest Checker® medical software and includes the interpretation of patient laboratory test results, along with recommendations for further laboratory tests to expand diagnostics, focusing particularly on prevention, maintenance, saving, restoring, and improving health.
The operation of LabTest Checker® is supervised by the medical team at Labplus S.A.